The word “Amani” in Kiswahili means ‘peace’. For the last twenty years, the Amani Vumwe Primary School has provided peace, education, and development to the children of Mwanga, in the Kilimanjaro region of Tanzania. The nonprofit project, Seeking Amani, was designed to merge creative arts with community engagement while assisting with the infrastructure of the school.

The founder of Seeking Amani, Waridi Valentine, has been involved with the development of Amani Vumwe since its inception. From her experience of being a student, living in Tanzania and other developing countries in Africa, she is aware that most schools focused on a STEM approach with their curriculum. She wanted to enrich the value of education for elementary students.

The Community Building Workshop involves a school of over one hundred and fifty students, from pre-kindergarten through seventh grade. The workshop courses are adapted to the learning level of the student and their age. Waridi Valentine has been able to have international volunteers from several continents participate as teachers for workshops, including a Creative Art Therapy graduate student from Pratt Institute, Sadé Barksdale. 


  • Significance of self, Individualism